Portfolio: Arashi-Do Martial Arts

portfolio arashi do martial arts website

With over 35 years of professional martial arts instruction and 19 locations across the province, Arashi-Do is the premier martial arts school in Alberta. Whether you are looking to get your kids active, learn something new, get fit while having fun or you are interested in training for serious competition, they have a place for you. Karate, Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes, for ages 4 to 104.

Arashi-Do came to us needing a redesign, but also a rewrite from Joomla into WordPress. The schools each got their own page to manage, as well as robust news, workshops and competition areas. SEO was important to maintain in this transition, while reorganizing the wealth of information and photos into an easy navigation for those new to the site and black-belts looking for the next comp.

This site expanded into a second site that includes Calgary and Area locations so the SEO can be hyper focused.

